
Happy New Year 2010

Salam to all..

It has been a while since my previous post. Kemalasan yang amat plus kesibukan masa adalah alasan utama why my blog terus terdiam sepi. Ciwahh..

First of all, Selamat Tahun Baru to all (Awal Muharram 1431 & 2010). I wish that this year brings lots of joy and happiness to everyone including myself and sentiasa berada di bawah limpahan rahmat dariNya. Aminn.

Now I'm at Alor Star. Just reach my grandma's house last night. I got an emergency text from my sister that my Atok's reaction dah lain macam. I panicked and rushed packing my things and drove back to Alor Star to meet her.

Alhamdulillah, Atok is getting better. Semalam dia rasa lemah sangat sebab dia kerap buang air. So far, she is fine. Maybe seronok kot dapat tengok cucu dia dari KL ni. Hehe.

So, here I am. Have to take EL for today and tomorrow. Takpe, tahun baru dah start so my annual leave pun dah ada. Hihi. Takpe, anything for my Atok. ;)

My wedding preparation is still going on. Alhamdulillah, banyak yang dah settle. The bookings are all in order. InsyaAllah, everything is going to be fine. Just leave your worries to somewhere else Bakis!!

Ape lagi?? Yaa..I just got an sms from my bestie Syah that she will be booked soon end of the month!!! Yeaaayyy!! Tak sempat lagi nak reply her text to chit chat about that but don't worry Syah, I will surely be there for you on that day. So we will be having a blast reunion again!! ;)

Next weekend all my sisters will be in KL to have our quality time together. Dah lama gile tak dapat hang out sekali. Plus my fiance gonna make his way to meet me at KL to do some outstanding shopping spree. Yes, saya sangat teruja indeed!! ;)

Hmm..I pray so much that everything will be ok this year. I have only few months ahead before I will be officially taken by my man. So I'm planning to enjoy my single life to the fullest. In a good way lah ye. Heheheh.

I also want to congratulate my cousin Aqilah sebab dapat further study fast-track degree at UiTM Shah Alam. Good luck to you sis!! ;)

With that, I wish every each of you to have a good life ahead. Think positive, be positive.

Happy New Year.


Hadapi dengan Senyuman =)

Pernah tak korang bermonolog dengan diri sendiri? Tiba2 membebel sorang2? And then berada dalam keadaan yg tak best. Tak happy. Macam perlukan therapist. Rasa nak menjerit TOLONGGGGGG!!!! Tapi takde siapa pun yg dengar. Takde siapa pun yg peduli. Rasa macam nak meluahkan perasaan tapi tak tau pada siapa dan bagaimana. Rasa macam orang sekeliling tu rapat betul dengan kita tapi bila nak meluahkan rasa serba tak kena. Something is wrong somewhere. Orang yg kita rasa dekat tu sebenarnya sangat jauh... ~

Sometimes I was in that situation. Damn I hate to have that feeling. I hate of how paranoid I can be when I was in those situations. That's a very PATHETIC me. Huhu. Rasa macam helpless gila. Kesiannya kat diri sendiri yg stuck dalam keadaan yg tak best macam ni.

Lagi satu, when the situations hit me, I tend to be JUDGEMENTAL. I hate that word as much I hate myself being like one. I try so much not to be judgemental about everything. I keep telling myself to be POSITIVE in every way. Tak baik tau pikir yg bukan2. Buat semak kepala otak je. Itu la yg aku selalu remind minda aku. Siap WARNING lagi!! Tapi kat mana ntah silapnya, sometimes I really can't avoid that feeling. Mesti ada jugak. Saiko betol la. Haihh..

Pastu kadang2 rasa macam ada orang dengki ngan aku la. Masalah betol la aku ni. Huhuhuhuhu. At times memang betol pun ada orang dengki (proven by their acts and words). Hiks. But I admit that sometimes I je yg suka pikir lebih2. ~sigh~ Ya, please laugh at me people.

I did bring this matter to talk with my loved ones (the ones who really understand the real me). Most of them said that's not a strange feeling after all. They also experienced those unpleasant feelings sometimes. Like me, they also did try to think positively. Sometimes it works, but sometimes they just cannot ignore the feelings anymore. Haha.

So, starting from today, I want to be positive. Think POSITIVELY. Think on the bright side of everything. The good ones. Yes, thinking positively make yourself happy. Much much happier. POSITIVE thinking makes all the frown lines on your forehead disappear. I don't want to be a frowner anymore. I want to SMILE more. Hadapilah dengan senyuman, Bakis. =)

I heard that stress could lead to a dangerous health disease such as blood clot might appear in your brain. Huhh. Bahaya kan?? Aku tak nak la jadi macam tu kan. Haih. Takut takut.

I want to enjoy my life to the fullest. SMILE and LAUGH more!! Stay away from UNHAPPINESS, STRESS and things that can make u feel extremely PARANOID.

I miss those who can make me laugh. Shah, Sarah, the Bootylicious Babes, the Voice Club. Hey, sangat rindu korang lah. =(

p/s: Laughter is the best medicine.

Pardon the nudity


The List

That's the way that I like it..~

This morning on the way to work I was humming that BSB's song all the way. Happy eh? Boleh laaa.. It's Monday, and I'm having the Monday blues as usual. Blerghhh..

Masuk je ofis I was surprised with my boss's annual leave for 2 days. Ahah!! Monday blues no more people! Haha. Yes yes yes, I'm a terrible staff. A bad one. Really can't help it lah. Especially time hati dah tawar macam biskut kering ni. Huuhh..

I am actually waiting for the official results of my current job interview. The interview went quite well and I'm pretty convinced that I can get the job. So, my hope is very high here. And the anxiety hits me like mad since last week. Tak suke tak suke this feeling. God please make this uneasy feeling inside go away with the good news. Please ya Allah.

Ok lah. Done with the please-get-me-a-new-job thing. Let's talk about something fun and mengujakan. Yess..I have lots of things to be teruja about for a few months ahead. So come come come, let's do the list! =)

  1. The handbag which I've ordered will be arriving soon. One thing I like the most about online shopping is when the parcel arrives. Macam surprise je kan? Padahal beli untuk diri sendiri. Yo yo ow je. ~ ;p
  2. Warehouse sales! This thing keeps coming one after another especially during this month until August. Best and scary at the same time. Huh. Time ni la pepatah "ditelan mati mak, diluah mati bapak" sangat seswaii digunakan. Haha. This morning I was googling about the sales. Metrojaya Sales 12-16 August ni. I've never been to the sales before, but according to the reviews I read the sales were a total bargain! Memang sangat berbaloi. Think wanna give it a try, see how it goes after that la ek. Hiks. =)
  3. Muhamad Shah Hafizzan is coming back to Malaysia! Hihiii.. (senyum sampai ke telinga). I'm waiting like forever sampai tak senang duduk. Tapi yang tak berapa nak best tu the date is to be confirmed yet. Hihuu..what to do? Just wait lah kan. Waiting and waiting and waiting. I guess I'm becoming a super patient lady nowadays. Hope that he will make it during Ramadhan at least. And my waiting continues..
  4. Next is the shopping trip to Bandung! Big yeayyy!! 3 of us - me, Lina n Mirah will be going to Paris van Java (Bandung is also known as the Paris of Jawa) early this September. Tiket Air Asia sangat murah masa tu ok! So, we just grab the chance to splurge there for 4D 3N (we never fail being ladies ya!!). That's why I've been begging and nagging and crapping to Shah to come back here soon. Life jadi sangat besh and happening when he is around. Betol, I tak tipu. Ngeh3..
  5. Wedding preparation. Everyday I will google here and there to do the research on how to get the best deal of everything. DIY projects thrill me so much that they make me go wahwahwah all the time. Haha. Then, every weekend both of us will be chatting on YM and photosharing of what we have got so far. Maybe it sounds a bit complicated, but truly we had so much fun creating our own wedding that way. Sape cakap long distance relationship can't work? You'll tend to feel lonely at times but hey, merindu itu sangat romantik and mengharukan tau tak? Huhu..InsyaAllah, everything will go exactly as planned. May Allah bless us. *wink*

With that, I end this entry. Wassalam. =)


My Besh Friend's Wedding

This entry is specially dedicated to my lovely friend Kalis. (bukan senang aku nak tulih entry macam ni tau!!) =)

Last weekend I had a wonderful days spent with my loved ones.

It's Kalis' wedding. My besh friend's wedding. Best sebab I can escape my workloads at the office for a couple of days just to see member2 tersayang. Best sebab I berpeluang balik melawat kampung halaman yang dah lama ditinggalkan (last aku balik raya tahun lepas). Lagi best sebab masa on the way balik KL tu boleh singgah-menyinggah tempat makan yang best. Heheheee..

Ok. I update u all one by one ye (ada orang nak baca ke entry aku ni?). Hee..

Kalis n pait are both my good friends. They were my classmates during the painful + struggling architectural years back then. Kebetulan pulak kitorang ni orang utara nun. Boleh menyembang dalam loghat utara, so cepat jugak la kitorang ngam. And then with Kalis, we started being roommates, groupmates and then ape2 mates tah lagi. Yang paling tak tahan, both of us mulut memang laser tak hengat!! (ke aku yang lagi laser?) Hahahaa... So, she is one of my good girlfriends lah. A good friend here defines a friend that could stand each other's perangai, tak kira la baik ke buruk. We share our secrets. We had a fight once in a while (tension kecil2an bak kata Leen). We turn to each other shoulders when we have problems (ayat tak boleh blah..). And most importantly, we love and appreciate the way we are naturally. Hmmm..poyo tak ayat aku? Hiihuuu...

Ok lah. Back to the main topic. They finally selamat diijabkabulkan. Frankly, this is my first time that I'm so touched with the akad moments. Serius macam drama swasta weh. Tapi ni drama yang dok tayang live depan mata aku yang buat aku rasa nak tumpah ayaq mata. Kalis, you are the drama queen beb!! Hahaha..kalau nak tau Kalis ni memang drama queen. Hehehe. Tapi on that particular day, dia punya menangih memang kronik! Siap bunyi2 lagi. Ngeh3. Actually, it's a bit lawak lah that moment. But but but, ada jugak sedihnya. Terharu pun ye. Try tanya diri sendiri; can we imagine ourselves yang selama ni under jagaan our parents, tiba2 on that day secara sahnya berpindah hakmilik and under jagaan sang suami? We are single no more man. Dalam sekelip mata status dah bertukar. Huh..

That's what we called jodoh. Every each of us in this life has been fated since the day we were born. Dengan siapa kita bercinta, kahwin n ajal. Semuanya dah tertulis. Hmm..to Kalis n Pait, I wish u two tonnes of happiness sampai akhir hayat. Itu doa aku seikhlas2nya buat korang. And both of u look amazing in each other's arms that day. Sangat cantik n sepadan!! This puji2an sangat ikhlas ye (sebab aku ni susah skit nak puji orang). =)

Aku ambik kesempatan masa kenduri tu to update stories with my bestie Tasha. Kitorang kalau berborak memang la tak hengat dunia kan. Pastu gelak kuat2 pun tak heran orang yang memandang. Hihi. That are soo US!! Memang dari bangku sekolah lagi macam tu. Memang tak boleh nak ubah. Hee... And yang beshnye, Tasha on her man pun in planning to tie the knot. Yeehaa..!! So, just wait till she spill the news ok? =)

After the kenduri, me n Lina proceed with our plan to Alor Star. Lina wanted to give her family angkat a visit, and I wanted to spend the balance of the weekend with my grannies and also visisting my mom's pusara. Dah lama tak balik jenguk diorang. I should say that the weekend was very well spent. =)

We started our journey back to KL on Sunday afternoon. On the way tu singgah makan durian at my Pak Ngah's house at Parit Buntar. Sempat la jugak melantak nak dekat 6-7 ulas. Siap bawak balik ke KL sebijik lagi. Hehe. Lepas tu singgah Taiping konon2nya nak merasa koewteow goreng Doli n mee banjir udang kat Kuala Sepetang. Sempat makan koewteow Doli je, sebab hari dah gelap n perut dah terlampau2 full. Mane taknye, aku yang tolong Lina perabih her koewteow. So aku makan 1.5 pinggan. Tank besar la katakan!! Ngeh3..

Kitorang sampai KL nearly 11 pm. Penat jugak la drive kan sampai aku malas nak bangun the next morning. Sudahnya, aku EL full day melepak kat rumah with my sisters depan tv. Hehe..

Once again, selamat berbahagia to Kalis n Pait. =)

The bride n groom yg sangat happening!!

Look at Pait's face yg seronok tak abis2. =)

Me with the Bride n Tasha.

Lina with her koewteow.

Aku yg bulat. =)

p/s: Can't wait for tonight's dinner at Taman Bunga Raya at Setapak with my family. Lina said nasik lemak die macam menarik!! =)


Warehouse Sales Anyone??

Levi's Warehouse Sales!!!

Last weekend me and my housemate went to the warehouse sales dengan semangat yg begitu berkobar2. The place is not very far from my house, about 15 minutes drive from Kepong. We didn't actually know the direction, tapi hentam2 je jalan last2 jumpe jugak. Takpe2, yg penting that Atria Complex (the only shopping complex that exist at Damansara Jaya) berjaya kami temui. Phew..!!

We've been talking about the warehouse sales since last last weekend lagi. Lina found out about the sales at one of her favourite online boutiques. I memang dah lama tak shoping Levi's due to keadaan duit yg tak mengizinkan. Huhu. Dok hentam pakai my old ones sampai dah season abis. Eh tapi kan, levi's yg lagi lama lagi sedap pakai tau. Hehe.

Okeh2, back to the topic. When we entered the mall specifically into the warehouse sales took place, orang memang lah ramai. All the jeans had been placed in different racks, categorized based on the size. So, senang la nak pilih2. The best part is, the jeans are quite newly released. All Red Tab range are priced at RM 80, while the Lady's Style range pulak at RM 120. Gile marked down. Ape lagi, it's hunting time!!

Our hunting activities went on and on and on. We grabbed 4-5 jeans and then masuk fitting room. Keluar balik, pilih2 lagi finalize mane yg betol2 berkenan di hati then masuk fitting room lagi. I plan to buy one jeans only, so memang kena pilih betol2 ye! Belek punye belek depan cermin, keluar fitting room pilih2 lagi. Ok, its time to finalize which one to buy. Last2 masuk fitting room lagi sekali test which size is more comfortable - 27 or 28? Hahaha.

At last, I ended up buying a pair of Lady's Style size 27. Hihi. Pastu jalan depan sikit diorang jual Levi's sneakers pulak. I gave my sisters a call tanye ape diorang nak. Finally, I walked out the store with a pair of jeans and 3 pairs of sneakers (1 for me, 2 for my sisters). Btw, those sneakers are pretty cheap too. Bile lagi nak dapat shopping murah2 macam ni kan? Sangat suka the feeling of buying branded things at marked down price. Suke suke suke. =)

Lina lagi dasat. Dia borong 3 pasang jeans. Huhu. Gile gile. Tapi best sebab bukan selalu pun kitorang keluar shopping macam ni. Tengok time la jugak. Once in a while je. So, it's acceptable lah kan? Kuikuikui. We women simply cannot say no to Mega Sales laa. Because we have this particular hidden power to shop at a very unlimited extend. And we're proud to say that we are very good at it!! Kekekeke..

I post this entry just to tell that Levi's Warehouse Sales is very reasonable and a must-go one. Takde niat nak menunjuk ape2 ek. Lagipun, I love buying cheap stuff. Asalkan cantik n berkualiti. Totally worth spent!!

p/s: Lina said perfumes warehouse sales will be held at Hotel Corus (opposite KLCC), but I'm not sure when. Whether dah lepas ke belum I pun tak sure. Marked down price up to 70%!! Ermm..rugikan kalau x pegi..?? ;D


Back to Basics

On 28th March 2009, my boyfriend and I got engaged. =)

We have been dating since we were in our degree. We started as classmates, then groupmates, lepas tu studymates..tup2 we became soulmates pulak. Haha. It's magical on how we were destined to be with each other. Never did I come across my mind that one day we will be together. And thank Allah that I met him. I am very grateful that I met this man to be my partner in life. (wahh..ayat berbunga2 nihh..)

After 2 years of knowing each other, we decided to take the next stage in our relationship. We decided to get engaged. I know I'm being quite a pusher when it comes to something like this. Really can't help it laaa!! Especially now when we have to endure this long-distance relationship, I began to feel insecure and lonely. Biasa la pompuan memang gelabah lebih sikit. Ngade2nye pun lebih. Hihi. So when Shah was confirmed to get back here, we came up with our little plan. Little je. Not so big lah. Sebab masa tu things get really kelam kabut, dengan nak confirmkan tiket flight la, nak set date la, nak buat preparation lagi. So, I guess it is better we get engaged just in a simple ceremony. Sangat simple. Seriously I tell u. Kekeke..

One more thing, this is just an engagement. Bukannya kenduri kahwin. Kalau kenduri kahwin tu takpe la kalau nak beriya sikit kan?? Mine was a very simple one, sesuai dengan budget yang ada. I prefer to celebrate the day with close family members and friends only. So, I just tempah baju (baju cantik sangat penting ye!!), arrange for makeup artist (cheap but quite cantik jugak!), order catering n prepare the hantaran. Takde pelamin, takde door gift whatsoever. Haha. Back to basics bebeh!!

Alhamdulillah, the majlis went on very smoothly. Most guests were very satisfied with the food. Ramai jugak yang puji my baju cantik (suke2!!). Thanks to Lina. We went shopping at Jakel and I bought the kain with a very reasonable price too! =) My hantaran pun very simple. To him, I banyakkan makanan such as cakes, chocolates and fruits. Senang, on the way balik Segamat diorang boleh makan dalam kereta. Thanks jugak to my mama n abah sebagai tuan rumah majlis yang sanggup bersusah payah menyediakan rumah untuk anak diorang ni bertunang. Heheheh.

Hantaran from his side pun banyak makanan jugak! I loike! I memang suka makan. Heheh. Petang tu jugak my little cousins abiskan all the chocs and muffins. I don't mind that I don't get expensive things, as long as my majlis berjalan lancar n cincin dah tersarung kat jari. Kikiki. And thanks to Shah for that. U know I love u. I love u just the way u are. (*_*)

Now, both of us have started planning for our Big Day. It matters so much to me to have a modest wedding but still exclusive and meriah. I believe that every each of us has different point of view on how their wedding will look like, based on their budget of course la kan. Hak masing2, very2 subjective.

Mine is: A budget wedding could be an exclusive and a memorable one if we manage to come out with a good wedding plan. Yang penting, majlis tu diberkati n dirahmati olehNya. Amin. =)

Partners in life. InsyaAllah. =)


Siti Situ Sana Sini

Last Sunday's night I went to watch Konsert Eksklusif SATU Dato' CT kita at Istana Budaya. I went alone. Yeap, alone. Semangat gile2 kan? Well, I am well-known of Siti's die hard fan among my friends. Memang I minat gile kat dia. Dia la satu2nye artis Malaysia yang I minat and follow perkembangan. Dari dia mula2 masuk Bintang RTM sampai la sekarang ni. Dari dia single-mingle muda remaja sampai la dia dah kahwin ngan Dato' K. Dari dia kurus slim sampai dia kembang and then kuncup balik pun I still maintain as her number one fan. Haha.

I admit that I am her fanatic fan. I like her voice, her personality and how she carries herself as a public figure and her attitude. Sebab tu la I tak teragak2 untuk melabur and meleburkan sejumlah wang semata2 to watch her live performance at IB last weekend. Hasilnya, memang berbaloi. Totally worth the money!! =)

Kalau ikutkan lagi best pegi tengok konsert tu ngan kawan2, family n yang tersayang. Tapi nak buat macam mane, tak semua orang sanggup berhabis duit just for that 3-hours-performance. Pendek kata, peminat gila yang macam I ni je yang sanggup buat macam tu. Hahaha. But ok what? Walaupun sorang2, I enjoyed the performance very2 much. Sama2 ikut nyanyi lagu Siti (takde la I melalak kuat2, nyanyi tak keluar suara pun..). Lagi kronik pakcik yang duduk kat belakang I, time Siti nyanyi lagu Biarlah Rahsia dia pun ikut nyanyi jugak. Kuat pulak tu. Dah la awak tu lelaki. Pangkat pakcik pulak tu. Nyanyi diam2 sudah. Tak la mengganggu ketenteraman awam. Hehehe.

Macam2 karenah peminat yang hadir ke konsert malam tu. Ramai jugak akak2 juga makcik2 yang tak ketinggalan ikut trend pakai tudung macam Siti. Adoiii...tak boleh blah betol. Hihihi. Tergelak aku sorang2 dalam hati. Nak gelak kuat2 takde geng. Seriously, ramai yang pakai tudung macam tu ok. Semuanya nak tunjuk yang diorang tu peminat Siti gitu. Nasib baik la takde pakcik2 atau abang2 yang ikut trend macam tu. Kalau tak maunye aku berguling2 gelak sorang2 sampai jatuh kat main tangga IB tu. Kekekekeke. =)

Haihhh..seronoknye mengata orang ek. Hihi. Walau apa pun, Konsert SATU ni berjaya mencapai objektifnya untuk menyatukan semua lapisan masyarakat Malaysia bersempena saranan PM kita. Patriotik kan? Betol, sebelum start persembahan semua kena berdiri nyanyi lagu Negaraku ramai2 sambil diiringi oleh muzik orkestra yang diketuai oleh Aubrey Suwito. Lagi satu, boleh dikatakan semua golongan usia datang menonton Konsert SATU ni. Ada budak kecik, remaja, dewasa macam kita ni, makcik2 n pakcik2 dan juga nenek2. Ada sorang nenek tu siap duduk atas wheelchair lagi. Dahsyat kan? =)

Persembahan malam tu diserikan lagi dengan kehadiran tetamu kehormat Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad n isteri Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. Dewan tetibe menjadi gamat n riuh dengan tepukan bila diorang masuk dewan sambil diiringi oleh hubby Siti - Dato' K. Ramai jugak artis2 yang datang antaranya Rossa, Kris Dayanti, Ning Baizura n Aizat. Wah, rasa macam reporter majalah hiburan tengah buat liputan pulak. Kekekekeke.

Siti perform memang superb. Her voice memang power. Sama macam dalam recording album dowh. I bukan nak puji dia lebih2, tapi hakikatnya memang betol. Siti's voice memang superb!! Her performance was amazing, with the choreography and story line of each song..her interaction with audience..memang best la. Memang besttt!!!

Yang hampehnye malam tu I terlupe nak bawak camera. I memang confident abis camera ada dalam handbag. Tup2 sampai sana bila nak ambik gamba ngan Tun Dr. Mahathir baru tersedar yang camera takde. Hampeh betol. Ruginye rasa. Paling tak best bila dah abis konsert ada sesi autograf bersama Siti. Siap boleh bergambar lagi. Masa tu memang rasa nak meraung jugak kat tangga IB tu atas kehampehan diri sendiri. Huhuhuhu. Takpe la Siti, ade jodoh kite jumpe lagi ye. =)

I sampai rumah nearly 12 am. Memang penat, tapi sangat berbaloi. I didn't sleep until morning just to finish up my part-time work. Puas hati jugak sebab dapat siapkan walaupun penat gila. Last2, esok tu I tak pegi keje sebab nak cover tido. Kebetulan badan pun tak berapa sihat (sebab penat sangat kot), pegi klinik dapat mc. Nasib baik jugak la kan? =)

p/s: Lepas ni looking forward for Siti's konsert at RTM pulak. Tengah merisik2 tiket free ngan abah. ;p

Tak dapat ambik gambar ngan Siti, gambar ni pun jadi la. ;p

Salam to All


I've been wanting for a personal blog since I began to enjoy blog-reading. The one that I already have is a "friendster-linked-blog". I'm not much a witer. Tapi bila baca blog kawan2 yang best n memberi inspiration, I thought of having one on my own. It's a way of how I express myself to different kind of situations, sweet or bitter. Asam garam kehidupan kan? Kalau takde semua tu rasanya tak lengkap pulak hidup ni kan? =)

So, what is going on with my life now..?

Nothing interesting, I guess. Life at work bertambah membosankan. I've had enough. I think it's the time to beralih arah. I want to gain new experience, new exposure and develop new skills. Kerja kat ofis ni memang tak habis2. Huhu. I have to admit that I cannot tahan anymore with the environment. The people. The workloads. The craziness. Cukup.

I want to open a new book. Start all over again at a new place. I have applied a few positions at several construction companies. Hope that rezeki will be at my side. Hope that I will get a better job, with better environment and challenges.

Don't worry Bakis, just have faith in whatever you do. I like to share these words I found at my friend's blog which I find pretty inspirable yet very calming. Thanks to Sab. =)

Bila Allah cepat makbulkan doamu, maka Dia menyayangimu.

Bila Dia lambat makbulkan doamu, maka Dia mengujimu.

Bila Dia tidak makbulkan doamu, maka Dia merancang sesuatu yang lebih baik untukmu.

Oleh itu sentiasalah bersangka baik pada Allah dalam apa jua keadaan.

Kasih sayang Allah mendahului kemurkaanNya.

These words are magical. They help me to feel good and make me realize that I am still lucky and blessed to survive the real world. Alhamdulillah. I pray that I will always hold on to His faith. InsyaAllah.

My angels - Mirah, Sarah, Abah & Mama.

Time hantar Sarah register at Pulapol. Boolat betol aku mase nih. =)